Hair Journey Update: Box Braids, Length Checks, After Effects of Dyed Hair

So here’s a recap of my hair journey so far when it comes to styling….

Around July last year, I decided to go natural, transitioning. I hid my hair under half wigs. Skip to November I decided to big chop because I got tired of fighting two textures; relaxed and natural. December, I braided my hair into box braids, inspired by Janet Jackson…I was watching Poetic Justice. January, I made the decision to dye my hair using Carols dye, it was plum but I failed to really retain the color (I’m thinking about re-dyeing it next month). February, I finished braiding my hair into box braids. I’ve made the decision that box braids will now be my primary style since I can no longer successfully blend my hair into half wigs.

2-8-13 4So this is my hair my hair when I was braiding it. It’s now fully braided. I did not take any photos of it finished because I didn’t think it mattered. I did want to show photos of it braided and out though because you could see my dyed hair color in the photo and the texture a lot better. These photos were taken 1/27/12.

How I have been dealing with my texture/Length Check….

4c kinky hair length checkWell the reason why I big chopped was because I got tired of dealing with two textures. Not only that but my hair wasn’t really cooperating with natural products. My relaxed hair reacted fine to everything but my natural hair is a DIVA, it doesn’t just take any old thing lol. So after I big chopped I dealt with my high porosity hair. I found the short term solution to it was moisturizing with conditioner…Jason natural conditioner. Then I found carols curling cream, combined with Pink Lusters Growth which helped keep my hair moisturized and soft but after I ran out of Pink Lusters Growth, I discovered that Carols curling cream by itself is horrible and it is prone to build up. So I went back to using conditioner as my moisturizer. Now at this moment I’m still using carols curl (only to stretch my products so I don’t go through them fast) to moisturize my hair but its mixed with conditioner and rosemary oil. Its working great for now but I JUST ordered some custom made moisturizer from a guru on FB, cost me $50. I WILL be doing a review on it with photos and I will use it on my hair while its braided and when its un-braided.

As for the length check, I have NEVER done one before. I felt like something was missing on this blog and I realized it was the essential LENGTH CHECK photos!! So from month to month I will be show length check photos and my progress.

2-8-13 3After Effects of dying my hair..

After dying my hair I have not really been experiencing any dryness although while its braided my scalp has been feeling a little dry. I think that has to do with my slowing down on moisturizing  I have been getting a little lazy…I used to moisturize 2 times a day but now only one…but tonight I will put the time in. The only thing that I have been really facing after I dyed my hair is knots at the ends of my hair (like in the photo shown with the red circle). Before I dyed my hair I have never experienced that but now I am. Other than that my hair hasn’t been shedding as much. I also haven’t been using any brushing or combs in my hair (except when parting it for braiding). My texture has really been showing great and I love it.

So that’s my hair update for now :).

Thank you,


Hair Journey Update: I Dyed My Hair Using Textures & Tones…Carson Roots of Nature Products Suck!

So I have not updated on my hair journey since Dec. 16. Lets start with what I have been going through since then…

carson softsheen natures of rootsThe first couple of days after taking my box braids out I was experiencing some dryness and rough hair from product build up. It turns out it wasn’t me it was the actual product that I was using as a moisturizer. I had been using softsheen carson roots of nature feathered curl whip cream to moisturize my hair and over time I began to notice how my hair looked and felt very dry the next day but when I spritzed it with water it felt dry. So I took it to the internet and try to find out what was going then I read some reviews on carsons products. Turns out I’m not the only ne having this experience in fact, a lot of women who use the product said over time their hair just doesn’t like the product anymore or the product causes build up…which is exactly what I’m going through. So I have the deep conditioner, 2 bottles of whipped cream curl, the shampoo and 2 bottles of moisturizer…none of them work on my hair properly. So as my moisturizer I had to switch back to using my conditioner “Jason Super Shine Apricot Conditioner” which is an organic product. Its the only conditioner that moisturizers my hair good and right now I’m completely out of it so I’m going to have to run to the store to get some more. This time I will get a different fragrance because the Apricot, no offense/don’t judge me, smells like breath.

So now my regimen is:

  1. Spritzing my hair with water mixed with rosemary oil…A lot of women have told me that I should hold back on the rosemary oil but it works great on my hair, in fact it actually makes it easier to detangle my hair. Something abut rosemary oil penetrates my scalp like a hot shower opens up the pores.
  2. After spritzing my hair I moisturize my hair with Jason Super Shine Apricot Conditioner then I put a shower cap n for 30 min to an hour to make sure the conditioner penetrates my hair.
  3. After the time has passed I take off the shower cap and seal my hair with olive oil/rosemary mix. Olive oil works good on my hair…better than any other oil I have tried.

1dyeWith this regimen I dyed my hair. I was sooo scared but I just went for it. I didn’t do any research except googling if you should wash your hair before dying which is a huge NO and if you do, wait one day after you have done so

The dye I used was Texture & Tones with the hair color 3rv Plum. Let me just say I failed. I had no clue how to put the color on my hair and I was scared to leave it on because I know dying your hair could cause dryness and breakage so I took it off after 20 minutes even though your suppose to wait 30 minutes if you are natural. So heres the result and as you can see theres not much of a difference. The color only shows when I’m in the light outside, it was dark out yesterday when I took these photos so I could not use natural light.textures and tones plum dye

So the question for me is, Am I still natural even if I dyed my hair?

My answer: Fuck yeah am I!

I wear half wigs, I dyed my hair and I’m still natural, problem?

Last but not least here is my growth since now the big chop! So proud of myself.

progress big chop


Things I Have Learned From Going Natural

59057_497306143633772_510554081_nI just wanted to share a few things I never knew or realized during my natural journey….this isn’t EVERYTHING I learned but its just a few things that come to mind now..

  1. The reason that I used to get relaxers was because I did not know how to maintain my hair in its natural state.
  2. My hair type, 4c…and it has small curls that I love!
  3. I can rock my hair without a relaxer and still look cute.
  5. Going natural has allowed me to embrace more things about myself other than hair.
  6. You have to be have some back bone if you’re going to do the big chop. Even if you wear wigs like me, the people who find out about your hair or finally see it, may not accept it and will show it.
  7. Never take advice from someone that has ONLY gotten relaxers all their life.
  8. Never give into peer pressure. Going natural is a decision..don’t let someone else but yourself influence the change if you decide you no longer want to be natural.
  9. There are thousands..maybe millions of black women who have gone natural and some of them are/were around me.
  10. A lot of black women don’t know the joy of going natural and some just don’t want to.
  11. I never knew how important deep conditioning and moisturizing was….actually I never KNEW what it was until I went on this journey.
  12. The people in your life who do not accept your methods of going natural
  13. Men always complain about weave and not being able to touch your hair but even being natural I STILL don’t want anyones hands in my hair lol


Confession: The Real Reason Why I Went Natural (Short & Sweet)

477862_526736827342433_446413950_oI’ve talked a lot about my experiences with being natural, going natural, etc…but I’ve never talked about exactly why i went natural. So here it is…The reason why I decided to go natural was because the front of my hair was not growing. My hair overall and my edges in the front were dry, frail and breaking with every touch….its a wonder that I wasn’t bald. While the rest of my hair was spiraling down my back…I was too ashamed to even show it because the front of my hair was so short. I didn’t even have a bang and I barely saw my real hair on a good day nor did I ever take a photo of it.

Whats the point of having long hair if you can’t even be proud and show it? So I aspire to have healthy and long hair. I don’t want just a strand or two of my hair to be 24 inches…I want all of it to be even and thick…and I’m prepared and dedicated to get it that way. Patience is the key.


My Routine For Washing My Box Braids

shampooing clamps and deep treatmentAlrighty, so heres my routine for washing

The products I used for washing my hair:

-4 large clips or butterfly clamps ($1.99 from beauty supply store or bss)

– SOFT SHEEN CARSON ROOTS OF NATURAL REMEDIES shea butter green tea nurturing repair shampoo (cost $7.49 from bss)

– SOFT SHEEN CARSON ROOTS OF NATURAL REMEDIES shea butter green reconstructing deep treatment ($7+ from bss)

What I did for shampooing:

I started by braiding my braids into 4 separate sections then I used the clips to keep the ends from unraveling. Then I got in the shower and made sure that my hair was completely wet (I always take a complete shower whenever I wash my hair….force of habit).

After that I unraveled one section of my hair and went through each row of my braids in that section applying my shampoo and massaging my scalp…when you go to shampoo your hair, you may notice that it doesn’t bubble as much as would when your hair is out, that is completely fine. After I finished applying the shampoo I rinsed that section with water thoroughly then braided it back up and put the clip at the end. I did this to each section. Then after I was done I did a quick rinse to make sure all of the shampoo was out.

I  knew  my scalp was clean and clear from the shampoo because..well some water from my hair had gotten into my eye and it didn’t burn lol. But seriously when my hair is clean and clear of shampoo; I can see my scalp better when I part it, it feels lighter, my braids were tighter when I braided them into sections and sometimes theres a squeak of clean to it (might only be my hair).

What I did for conditioning:

As for conditioning, I used the deep treatment and I followed the directions on the bottle. I applied it to my hair the same way I did with shampooing. Section by section…then I let the deep treatment in my hair for a few minutes…while I waited on the deep treatment to kick in, I just took a shower. Then after I was done I rinsed it out section by sectioned and rebraided my hair back into for sections.

The green tea in the deep treatment REALLY penetrates the nostrils in a good way…this will definitely be my go to conditioner and shampoo.

2012-11-28_18-40-19_92Drying My Hair:

Ever since my whole high porosity dilemma I have not put any type of heat to my hair and I wont! So what I did was take my hair out of the four braided sections. Wrapped my hair in a towel and began to wring them out. I then re-braided my hair…I keep rebraiding it because it helped get the water out but try not to manipulate your hair as much as I did…you don’t want to put too much stress on your hair.

Afterwards I took out the braids again because they felt a little damp I had gotten most of the water out. I let them air dry a little then I moisturized my hair..I have other posts on how I moisturize…I put my satin bonnet on the ends of my braids as much. As I could, I put the bonnet on my head and wrapped a silk scarf around the rest of my hair and the bonnet (so the bonnet wouldn’t come off) and I went to sleep like that…with a towel on my pillow, just in case it got wet.

When I woke up my hair was still a little wet but not noticeably….when I went out and about my hair eventually dried on its own.

Recipe: Hair Stimulating Regrowth Conditioner


3-4 drops of Rosemary essential oil

1 tsp of olive oil1 egg, beaten


Blend all ingredients well in a bowl. Apply to hair. Leave in hair for 15 minutes. Then rinse. A shampoo maybe be needed after rinsing mixture from hair.

The Benefits of Olive Oil

Olive-Oil-in-Bottle-Olives-PostersOlive oil is the perfect oil to use to restore and replenish dry hair. Olive oil will give your usually dull and drab hair a healthy dose of shine by making it moisturized and healthy. Olive oil can also help soften your hair, making it more pliable and it can help cure a dandruff problem.

  • One of the best advantages of using olive oil for hair is that it helps in preventing as well as curing hair loss. Most people have hair loss because of the presence of a hormone called DTH which causes the hair follicle shaft to decrease. Applying olive oil to hair prevents the production of DTH hormones on the scalp, thus getting rid of the problem of hair loss.
  • The presence of antioxidants in olive oil makes it an appropriate hair oil that promotes overall scalp health. The hair damage caused due to excessive use of chemical based hair products can be treated with the help of olive oil, thus giving room for growth of healthy hair.
  • Apart from the fact that olive oil is an effective treatment for hair loss, it also acts as a natural conditioner for hair. In other words, applying olive oil on hair makes it shiny and soft.
  • The antifungal and antibacterial properties of olive oil is a great way to get rid of problems like dandruff and head lice. Moreover, massaging your hair with a mixture of olive oil and lavender oil is very relaxing and acts as a great stress buster.

How to use olive oil in your regimen:

*As a pre-poo: Apply olive oil to dry or damp hair > cover with a plastic cap> leave on for 15 to 30mins or overnight >follow with your wash day regimen

*As a hot oil treatment/oil rinse: Warm olive oil in a double boiler >apply to hair after you have shampoo’d or co-washed >cover with a plastic cap and leave on for 30mins >rinse with warm water >and follow with the rest of your regimen*

*As a sealer: After applying your water-based moisturizer, apply a little olive oil to the length of your strands and pay special attention to your ends



Olive oil can also be used in your skin care regimen. If you follow the oil cleansing method, where you apply oil to your face as your cleanser. Olive oil is a great option because it is rich in Vitamins A, D, E, and K. These antioxidants help diminish dark spots and heal scars.

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Body Inspiration!


When I lose my long term target weight…I guarantee you will be a photo of my just like this…natural hair and all..maybe not the same blouse but definitely the same aura.